On this page I will list some links to other collectors of Philips Stereo equipment from the 70´s and other sites of interest. If you have a homepage you´ll like to include here (or know anyone who has), send me an E-Mail.




ANDRE´S PHILIPS COLLECTION - Dutch site (in english as well), mostly Philips 70´s stuff but other brands too.

SEMIHS COLLECTION - Turkish/German site (non-english), only 70´s stuff, very interesting and many pictures.

MFB FREAKS - dutch site in english too, many 1970s catalogues and folders NEW

CLAUDS PHILIPS MUSEUM - Dutch site (also englishl), largest Philips Museum on the net, but not much 1970´s there. (Temporarely closed)

ROLAND REMIES PHILIPS COLLECTION - Dutch site (in english), 100 years of Philips!

DE FAMILIE W.MANSHANDE - Dutch site (non-englishl), only Philips but mostly 1950´s and 1960´s models.

PHILIPS MUSEUM AMSTERDAM - Dutch site (non-english).

CARLS PHILIPS HOME PAGE - Dutch site (also englishl), Philips Radios from 1927 to 1946 - lots of old adds.

DRIVEBELTS for cassettes and turntables can best be found at Alternatively try or

VISSENOGG SERIE - dutch site only about the Philips-"fish-eye" models from the early 70´s.

PHILIPS COLOUR TELEVISION RECEIVERS 1967 to 1983 - great site for television nostalgia NEW

MARCELS TV MUSEUM - another great site for television nostalgia NEW



THE "DUX"- HISTORY - Swedish site (non-english).

THE "TANDBERG"- HISTORY - Norwegian site (non-english).

THE "RADIO LUXEMBOURG"- HISTORY - German site (in english), not updated since 2000 but still a great site.

STEREOMANUALS.COM - 1970´s manuals for sale.

OLDIES - Shop in Copenhagen selling vintage audio from 1930 to 1997. Extremely expensive, but it´s all there....... NEW

SOUTH WEST ENGLAND VINTAGE TELEVISION MUSEUM - Great english with a lot of 1970´s televisions   NEW

RADIO GORT - Danish collector of primarely portable radios - many fine links here NEW

RADIOSIDEN - very fine danish vintage stereo site  NEW

BO´S OLD AUTO RADIOS - primarely car radios, but very vintage NEW

RETRO AUDIO - THE GOLDEN YEARS - Russian site (in english), non- Philips but mostly 1970´s models, 100´s of pictures.
WEGAVISION - this is where you find TONS of old stereo catalogues (also Philips), from the early 60s and 70s, this site is a MUST! NEW
GLAMROCKER - my own new site about growing up in the 70's in Denmark, only in danish - sorry!  NEW
WORLD OF HIFI - the danish yearbook HiFi Årbogen 1973-1993



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